Clean eating, Fitness, food, Friday, Priorities

Thoughts on FriYAY . . .

Hello y’all! Claire here for my first individual post!

I attended an all girls high school, and on Fridays the Executive Board–or “E-board” as we called them–had a Friday chant that they would sing over the intercom during homeroom. It went like this:

Fri-day, Fri-day, Fri-day it is my favorite day! Fri-day, Fri-day, Fri-day makes me sing HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! FRIDAY!

We looked forward to and anticipated this uplifting chant at 7:53am (yes at exactly 7:53 and not a minute later) on Fridays. Part of me wonders if we anticipated it because it was invigorating or because it was nice and so unlike the school to support and even encourage good, clean silliness. Either way, this chant has stuck with me, and I woke up with it ringing in my ears this morning. So, happy Friday folks, you made it! 

But, as I say those words, I wonder . . . is there a way to do more than make it? Is there a way to enjoy it, enjoy the journey?

This has been my mantra for 2019, and it’s hard. Very hard. I have developed a few tricks, but still it is very easy to get caught up in, well, life. 

Take Wednesday for instance, I had so much to do after work that I did not sit down to eat dinner until 10pm. I thought, “Where did the last 5 hours go?” I retraced them in my head: leave work a little late, go to the grocery store, clean the kitchen, bake bread (more on that later), walk Annie (my pup), workout, walk Annie again (when it’s hot I split up her walks), shower, heat up leftovers, sit***10pm***down. After replaying the events, I thought, Yep, I can see how that took 5 hours, and, why I am exhausted. All I did was sprint (not run) from one thing to the next. 

I did also feel accomplished. I was proud of myself for not sinking into the couch as soon as I walked in the door (food needing the frig helped ensure this did not happen). But, still exhaustion. 

Me in my post-workout euphoria

My priorities are (1) Annie, (2) good and good for you food, and (3) working out (I’m training for a race, more on this to come!). So, the exhaustion stemmed from ensuring my priorities were … well a priority. But, balancing enjoyment of the journey fell at the waste side. 

Anniegirl in mid-walk euphoria

Have you seen the movie “About Time?” Rachel McAdams stars in it, and it involves time travel (interestingly not her only movie where she has a time-traveling husband)! Anyway, a quote from the end of the movie comes to mind right now: “I just try to live every day as if I’ve deliberately come back to this one day to enjoy it as if it was the full final day of my extraordinary life.”

My banana bread with peanut butter, great pre-run or workout fuel source. (Recipe coming soon)

To me, the opportune word in there is: TRY! And, I try everyday. It’s not easy. But, it’s one of my goals. 

As we move forward and explore food, friendship, and fitness, my posts will come back to this goal of mine. If you have any advice or thoughts, please comment or reach out! I would love any help! 

Or, if you’re with me and you feel like you are juggling pears on a unicycle and no matter what the to-do list grows more than it shrinks, you are in good company! Together we can find tips and tricks on enjoying the journey and maybe even enjoying the hustle and bustle of those priorities. 

So, HIP HIP HIP HOORAY for FRIDAY! You earned it, and next week is a brand new slate for finding the balance between priorities and the journey! That’s what I’m telling myself, at least.

How do you balance your life?

What do you prioritize?

Any tips on enjoying the journey? 

All the best,


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