Fitness, Uncategorized

New Seasons

The Byrds said it best: "To everything, turn, turn, turn. There is a season, turn, turn, turn." Turning back to our last fall adventure together This past year we’ve shared a season of marathon training (for Claire), a season of certifications (for Amy), and a season of figuring out this new world in COVID. We’ve… Continue reading New Seasons

Fitness, Uncategorized

Plenty to Love

Happy Monday! Anybody else 🙋🏼‍♀️ have trouble leaving the house without holding their kids? Strong as a mother 💪🏼 I often get bombarded by both boys who inevitably want to be held. I am so glad that I am strong enough to hold them both. And a lot of my physical strength is directly related… Continue reading Plenty to Love


Irons in the Fire

Agree or disagree: Too many irons in the fire stresses you out. 🔥🔥🔥 Sometimes I thrive on juggling as many things as possible. 💁🏼‍♀️ Other times, I feel completely stressed. 😬 Lately, my stove has been filled (with what seems like a million pots and pans) as I have been transitioning. The month of August… Continue reading Irons in the Fire

Fitness, Uncategorized

On Throwing the Baby out with the Bath Water

It’s a transformation! 😂 The beginning of workout excitement completely foiled by life. (I am not entirely sure what is on my shirt 😬 ….I also had to change pants and shoes 🤷🏼‍♀️). From start.... Because of my mom status, I like to approach my workouts with an “expect the unexpected mentality.” That way when… Continue reading On Throwing the Baby out with the Bath Water


Keeping the Doctor Away

Complete the phrase: _____ everyday keeps the doctor away. An apple 🍎? Walking 🚶🏻‍♀️? Flossing 🦷? For me, an important recovery technique, to keep the doctor away, is shown here: flossing! I, like Claire, have been trying to be better at incorporating my recovery movements and treatments (even though they don’t feel particularly tough 🙄… Continue reading Keeping the Doctor Away